Quick question regarding this topic . Has Poppy already been released like in a kit version before or will it be released this week ? ( Or alternatively is The new version will be release in one week, stay plugged ! been there for a while now ? )
R&D stated that there would be 3 models according to what you will use poppy for .
General public
With a price depending on what category you feel there is to for fill your needs is this still a thing or will there only be one model ?
The Poppy Humanoid 1.0 repository is available here:
We do not have announced it officially yet because we are still working on few stuff like the documentation and wifi remote access.
A kit will be distributed by partners, we are just waiting for a sample to validate everything is alright before the kit is actually sold. The cost is not yet clearly determine.
As we have very limited ressources, unfortunately we certainly won’t be able to create alternative version of Poppy Humanoid (R&D) such as one with AX. However, we can provide support and encourage anyone interested in developing this low cost version.
For Education/Hobby, the Poppy Humanoid can be split into different modules such as arms/torso/head etc… to reduce its cost. We will also provide a 3D printable version of Poppy Ergo.
For general public, we are working on Poppy Ergo powered by XL320, we are waiting for the first sample to validate the mechanic.
Sounds great , cant wait until the kit is available for purchase .
I will try to create a version with the AX servo’s . although cheap and servo’s don’t mix to well i will give it a shot .
It will take some time until i find my place in this project . But it seems like one of the most exciting open-source projects i have seen in a while . Keep up the good work .
Oh it seems I have exported the STL with “meter” as unit, normaly it is either mm or inch so you may experience trouble…
I just spent 30 min wondering why meshmixer didn’t display the meshes …
Are you going to order all the parts on Sculpteo ?
and what is like the price ? i’m looking for a 3D printer to start on printing a poppy .
But if i could use something like sculpteo , it would save me the price of the printer .
On the other hand again if a kit pops up one of these days i would wait for that .
To come back to the initial topic of @Sync_Midi, we juste received the last version of the 3D printed parts:
Tomorrow a guy from our lab will assemble it, we will check if everything is OK the final release will be official and a distributor will start to sell the complete pack !
oee baby , the black version looks super sweet . i will hold on printing the parts and just wait until the kit is available . thx Matthieu for the update