Poppy ErgoJr docs

I was happy to see the new documentation for Poppy ErgoJr today.
We want to build one of these. I know it’s a work in progress but I had some questions/comments that I think anyone who tries to follow these steps will have:

  1. The documentation, while very specific in some areas, skips over the step of wiring up the servos. It does not even mention cables in the parts list.
  2. It mentions needing a Pixl board and links to a circuitmaker project. Can somebody explain what this is all about? Circuitmaker, from what I can tell, is a site for designing boards. Is there a way buy the board? Or do we somehow buy the PCB and assemble it? I signed up for circuitmaker but honestly I’m really stumped on what are we expect to do here exactly? Help!
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Hi @kaspesla,
Thank’s for your interest, you feedback about documentation are really good for us!

Cables are contained on each motor box, you don’t have to buy it separately, we will clarify it…
I added a small paragraph on it.

CircuitMaker is a software to create board. Today there is no Pixl available on the market, Generation robot ( http://www.generationrobots.com ) will be responsible of the Pixl production, do not hesitate to contact them directly! The other way is to go to CircuitMaker, on the release menu of the Pixl you have an option to produce the board on CircuitHub…

I think I saw a post saying a mention on the Pixl availability will be added (but it disappeared)
There is a typo on “purchaise” in the Electronics section of the doc :wink:

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Thanks of the info! I was confused about the wiring I think because the previously posted Ergo Jr plans called for lots of wires but it sounds like they’re no longer required.

I will contact generationrobots.

Meanwhile, the previous ErgoJr plans talked about workarounds to create a power source and also used PC and a USB2Dynamixel to control the servos. Is this no longer recommended or can we still do it that way?

It is now replaced by the pixl board which integrate the function of the USB2Dynamixel and the power supply. It is not recommended because you have to cut and solder wires in a dirty way, but if you know what you do go on, it’ll work.

Do you have an approximate date of availability of Pixl boards through Generation robot?

At the end of May at the latest (with the Ergo Jr), and more probably in one month.

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