Microchip has developed a modulus to measure attitude and attitude rates (AHRS) with accelerometer, gyrometer and compass. The specifications seem to be perfect for Poppy. The key is that there is a dedicated processor to make sensor fusion developed by Microchip.
The component is not yet available to buy, but it is possible to ask samples at Paris Microchip headquater.
Cost : about 30$
Size : 17x17mm
interface : I²C (Arduino compatible) at 400kHz (I²C clock in slave mode)
maximal attitude rate : 2000deg/s
maximal acceleration : 2g
I already bought the Naveol AHRS but take care, it is adapted to drones, not to Poppy since the maximal attitude rate is 500deg/s (1.3Hz) which is too close to the Poppy time response. The angles are then not reliable. And the cost is about 150€.
I dream to put 3 IMU in Poppy, one at each foot and one at pelvis to have a very reliable and cheap attitude measurement.