Presentation of the ODOI project

Hello Fabrice,

I received the RAZOR IMU and played with it. It seems to be a good one (moreover, we can hack the soft).
I did some tests (not done in the videos…)

  • Put the sensor horizontally on the table
  • turn 360deg around Z axis
  • see the value of roll and pitch are small
    It is true for the RAZOR
  • Put the sensor horizontally on the table
  • lift and shake it in all directions violently
  • return the sensor on the table
  • see the value of roll and pitch are small
  • Put the sensor haorizontally on the table
  • lift and hit the sensor on the table violently (shocks)
  • return the sensor on the table
  • see the value of roll and pitch are small
  • Put the sensor haorizontally on the table
  • move the sensor sideway
  • see the roll angle is small
    All these tests are OK with the RAZOR :smile: I can trust the measurement. I wish I will not have any issue later with this one…
    I have to stick the sensor on Poppy now.