Hi Everyone.
So I managed to properly interface a working Gyro/Accelerometer on my Poppy.
I also managed to get it working perfectly and after a LOT OF MATH. I am now able to get the Pitch and Roll angels.
I didnt officially start on making the poppy stand and balance. But I did a very simple program (in 1 hour) that will adjust the AbsY depending on the Roll Angle. This is just a start and a proof of concept for the interfacing.
Here is a video of this in action. The effect is a bit of stability in the torso when I push the poppy. Technically it keeps his torso straight.
To be honest, I do not have any idea where to start on the actual balancing. Any ideas, I saw some people working on Balancing in VREP. Could you share with me some reading material that I can use to understand the concept behind balancing?