[Assembly Instructions] Overview of TLL bus connections


In the head you will have an Usb HUB 4 ports where you will plug the 2 USB2AX.
The USB2AX for the upper body bus should be plug to the head_y (AX12) motor. Then the head_y is plugged to the Bioloid 3P Extension board.
The USB2AX for the lower body will be plug to the SMPS2Dynamixel located at the back of the abdomen.

Upper Body

For the upper body TTL Bus, the following wires are connected to the Bioloid 3P Extension Board located on the neck:

  • l_shoulder_y
  • r_shoulder_y
  • head_z
  • head_y
  • bust_x
  • SMPS2Dynamixel

Lower Body

To plug the lower body TTL bus to the USB2AX located in the head, you will have to made your own TTL cable (at least 60cm).

It will be the same problem to connect the hip_y motors to the knee_y motors. You will need a 25cm cable but the Robotis one are 20cm long.

thanks very much! Could you show us a foto of the inside of the head?

I edited my first post:

  • add a left side view to explain how the trunk is wired
  • add a picture of the inside of the head