Hi everyone,
After looking for similar problems on installation I made the step of asking as I don’t know what else to do to control a poppy humanoid using jupiter notes python 3 and vrep. I am using the V-REP_PRO_V·_6_2 for mac as the CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_0_0_Mac crashes in a Mojave 10.14.6 mac. The problem is at start up,with this code:
from pypot.vrep import from_vrep
from pypot.creatures import PoppyHumanoid
poppy = PoppyHumanoid(simulator='vrep')
And the logs returned are:
VrepConnectionError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pypot/creatures/abstractcreature.py in __new__(cls, base_path, config, simulator, scene, host, port, id, shared_vrep_io, use_snap, snap_host, snap_port, snap_quiet, use_http, http_host, http_port, http_quiet, use_remote, remote_host, remote_port, use_ws, ws_host, ws_port, start_background_services, sync, **extra)
102 try:
--> 103 poppy_creature = from_vrep(config, host, port, scene if scene != "keep-existing" else None, id=id, shared_vrep_io=shared_vrep_io)
104 except VrepConnectionError:
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pypot/vrep/__init__.py in from_vrep(config, vrep_host, vrep_port, scene, tracked_objects, tracked_collisions, id, shared_vrep_io)
87 if shared_vrep_io is None:
---> 88 vrep_io = VrepIO(vrep_host, vrep_port)
89 else:
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pypot/vrep/io.py in __init__(self, vrep_host, vrep_port, scene, start)
---> 70 self.open_io()
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pypot/vrep/io.py in open_io(self)
80 raise VrepConnectionError(
---> 81 msg.format(self.vrep_host, self.vrep_port))
VrepConnectionError: Could not connect to V-REP server on This could also means that you still have a previously opened connection running! (try pypot.vrep.close_all_connections())
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
OSError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-889d6cdca68e> in <module>
1 # poppy = PoppyHumanoid(simulator='vrep')
2 # poppy = PoppyTorso(use_http=True, simulator='vrep')
----> 3 poppy = PoppyErgoJr(simulator='vrep', use_snap=True)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pypot/creatures/abstractcreature.py in __new__(cls, base_path, config, simulator, scene, host, port, id, shared_vrep_io, use_snap, snap_host, snap_port, snap_quiet, use_http, http_host, http_port, http_quiet, use_remote, remote_host, remote_port, use_ws, ws_host, ws_port, start_background_services, sync, **extra)
103 poppy_creature = from_vrep(config, host, port, scene if scene != "keep-existing" else None, id=id, shared_vrep_io=shared_vrep_io)
104 except VrepConnectionError:
--> 105 raise IOError('Connection to V-REP failed!')
107 elif simulator == 'poppy-simu':
OSError: Connection to V-REP failed!
Any help is very much appreciated, thank you!!