I work on poppy for an academic project. For the programming aspect I decided to follow the tutorial:how you can control a simulated Poppy Humanoid using a robot simulator.
However, when I tried to execute the following script:
I received this issue:
Well,searching on the forum I found a post on a similar issue with the module ‘creatures’. So I tried the offered solution but I still have the same issue.
Yes, when I tried to re install this package python says that this package is already install.
But it changes the issue that raise python, now I receive this issue when i execute the same script than before:
But I still have the same issue.
I try to follow line by line the tutorial : how you can control a simulated Poppy Humanoid using a robot simulator.
So I think that I have already install all packages asked by this tuto.
Est ce que tu peux me montrer la version du code que tu as pour le fichier software/poppy/creatures/abstractcreature.py du module poppy-creature qui visiblement doit être dans ton /usr/local/bin/python2.7/dist-packages/
import os
import re
from pypot.robot import Robot, from_json
from pypot.server.snap import SnapRobotServer
def camelcase_to_underscore(name):
s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name)
return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower()
class AbstractPoppyCreature(Robot):
""" Abstract Class for Any Poppy Creature. """
def __new__(cls,
simulator=None, scene=None, host='', port=19997, id=0,
use_snap=False, snap_host='', snap_port=6969,
""" Poppy Creature Factory.
Creates a Robot (real or simulated) and specifies it to make it a specific Poppy Creature.
:param str config: path to a specific json config (if None uses the default config of the poppy creature - e.g. poppy_humanoid.json)
:param str simulator: name of the simulator used (only vrep for the moment)
:param str scene: specify a particular simulation scene (if None uses the default scene of the poppy creature - e.g. poppy_humanoid.ttt)
:param str host: host of the simulator
:param int port: port of the simulator
:param int id: id of robot in the v-rep scene (not used yet!)
:param bool sync: choose if automatically starts the synchronization loops
.. warning:: You can not specify a particular config when using a simulated robot!
if config and simulator:
raise ValueError('Cannot set a specific config '
'when using a simulated version!')
creature = camelcase_to_underscore(cls.__name__)
base_path = os.path.dirname(__import__(creature).__file__)
if config is None:
config = os.path.join(os.path.join(base_path, 'configuration'),
if simulator is not None:
if simulator != 'vrep':
raise ValueError('Unknown simulation mode: "{}"'.format(simulator))
from pypot.vrep import from_vrep
scene_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'vrep-scene')
if scene is None:
scene = '{}.ttt'.format(creature)
if not os.path.exists(scene):
if ((os.path.basename(scene) != scene) or
(not os.path.exists(os.path.join(scene_path, scene)))):
raise ValueError('Could not find the scene "{}"!'.format(scene))
scene = os.path.join(scene_path, scene)
# TODO: use the id so we can have multiple poppy creatures
# inside a single vrep scene
poppy_creature = from_vrep(config, host, port, scene)
poppy_creature.simulated = True
poppy_creature = from_json(config, sync)
poppy_creature.simulated = False
if use_snap:
poppy_creature.snap = SnapRobotServer(poppy_creature, snap_host, snap_port)
return poppy_creature
def setup(cls, robot):
""" Classmethod used to specify your poppy creature.
This is where you should attach any specific primitives for instance.
It seems that you are still working on a directory named poppy, with a module named poppy. This is really not a good idea as this will completely confused the python interpreter. Can you try move your blabla file somewhere else and try again?