This web page should become the entry point for two categories of people:
people new to the Poppy Torso, and to its uses in contexts like education, FabLabs and art (so they should know quickly what is this platform, and how they could use it for their own purposes)
people already using the platform: the web page should gather all important links to detailed tutorials and documentation
This topic is dedicated to discussing which information, what links, which explanations, which medias should be provided on this web page so as to be useful to these two kinds of users.
@Manon I included links to your great docs on this web page and on the Poppy front page. I suggest you add in the doc an explanation to the reader about how they can contact you (or others) if they have ideas to improve it (or want to do the improvement themselves). Maybe you can create a topic discussion on it and give the link inside the pdf ?
There are already a lot of things available on the various platforms for Poppy (website, forum, git, Youtube, and I may have forgotten a few others) and I am currently referencing them. Two things seem indispensable: a single repository containing all of the documentation / tutorial already available and a diagram showing, for different user profiles, an installation package according to their needs. I currently work for the realization of this diagram. I think it would also be necessary to translate all or part of this English documentation into French for the same reason that this topic is written in both languages.