Poppy head how to assemble the Odroid

Hi everyone, I’m about to assemble the Odroid to the Poppy head but I did not find any documentaction or videos about it. Do you have some references about it?

Thank you so much and sorry but honestly I cannot figure out how to assemble the Odroid.

Here is a link for the head face assembly : https://github.com/poppy-project/Poppy-minimal-head-design/blob/master/doc/head_assembly_instructions.md

And according to your Odroid version, you can follow these links at step 6 for the head back assembly :

Good luck :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much !!! It was really useful. Unfortunately, I realize that I printed the wrong Poppy head (U3). May I have the XU4 Poppy head please, I mean the stl files.

Thank you for your support.

Thank you for your support, these link were quite useful.:grinning::grinning: