Unable to setup odroid xu4 board for poppy humanoid

I followed this link: https://docs.poppy-project.org/en/installation/install-a-poppy-board.html for board installation.
Everything went smooth and also received this message: "System install complete!
Please share your experiences with the community : http://poppy.discourse.group/"
But when i try http://poppy.local in my browser, it fails to connect ( I am able to ssh using poppy@poppy.local and also use jupyter )
Kindly help me to get http://poppy.local or web interface working.
Thank You

We had a similar problem here with Ubuntu 14.04 for Odroid XU3/XU4. You did not finalise the system configuration. After “System install complete!” you need to udpate the odroid using „sudo apt-get update“ and „sudo apt-get upgrade“. Finally you have to retrieve the ip address directly from your odroid using ifconfig in the client putty.

Hope this helps.