I’m working on a miniature humanoid robotic hand for robots like Poppy.
It will be flexible and robust and I’m aiming to release it in around a month. There will probably be a 1DOF version that moves all fingers at once and a 5DOF version with individual finger movement. I would love some feedback to help make this exactly what users would want! There’s a short survey here. You can keep up to date on developments on twitter through @openbionics!
@openbionics Very interesting and useful project! Is it open-source?
Would be great if the form factor would be compatible with integration on Poppy, and on using Robotis motors (same motors as the Darwin mini).
Would you plan to integrate sensors? Having touch sensors, and even a skin, would be highly useful. Again, if this would be Arduino compatible sensors, then even better.
Thanks for the feedback Oudeyer. It’s not going to be open-source initially. The idea is that this product will help fund my (open-source) work on the Open Hand Project, so all profits will go towards an open source project
That said, I will probably follow a model where I open source the designs as I release a new version. So open source designs are available, but one generation out of date. I haven’t decided for sure yet.
We’re working with these servos at the moment, owing to their performance, size and weight. The Robotis ones are a little large and since we’re planning for this hand to fit Bioloids as well as Poppy, they may be too big and heavy.
No sensors planned as yet, but that’s great feedback. We tried having a 3D printed rubbery skin (not sensitive, just aesthetic) but unfortunately couldn’t get it to work yet on this scale.
Hi Joel,
Great to heard news from you here. I will complete the survey with our needs.
The servo motor you are using seems nice as it is really lightweight and style powerful. But as Pierre Yves said, being compatible with arduino would be a big plus.
If you manage to have a 1DoF working hand in the next month we could try to integrate it for the 1.0 release of Poppy !
PS: BTW which CAD software do you use to develop your hand ?
Thanks so much for completing the survey! I would definitely be interested in talking to you about integrating a hand design into a Poppy release.
CAD-wise, I develop in Blender. I have a colleague working with me (Jonathan) on this hand who has been using a free trial AutoDesk Inventor for experimentation but the final design will be put together in Blender.
We are a bit tired by the solidworks policy so we are looking for alternative. I would be highly interested by a feedback of the use of blender for engineering design.
If you have some time can you add your experience here ?