We have just released a beta version to control your Poppy robot with Scratch.
The v4.0.0 release will add Scratch and ROS to Poppy robots. At the moment the beta version allows you to control your robots with Scratch. I will post an announcement of the addition of ROS after this thread once it has been implemented.
How I can test the v4.0.0-beta version:
- Download the 7z file on your computer.
You can find the beta software images of your robot on the following links: - Unzip it so that you get the ~7GB img file (e.g.
7z e 2021-07-30-poppy-ergo-jr.img.7z
) - Flash the SD card with your computer. Read the docs: how to burn an image file
- Insert the SD card in your robot and connect to poppy.local.
A tutorial to launch Scratch can be found on docs.poppy-project.org.
How can I help ?
It would be very much appreciated if you could test the operation of:
- The different Scratch blocks, and feedback on their use. Additional blocks can be added at your request.
- The REST API by testing various requests. The API documentation on docs.poppy-project.org provides the cURL commands to be used and examples of responses.
Added Scratch blocks to control a Poppy robot (Ergo-Jr, Torso, Humanoid). The currently implemented blocks are quite simple and only do what Snap! can do. Other features can be implemented if you request them. The following blocks are under development or will soon be developed:
- Inverse Kinematics
- LED control on the Ergo-Jr
- QR-Code reader
REST API. This beta release brought major changes to the REST API. You can find the documentation of the new API here https://docs.poppy-project.org/en/programming/rest.html. The changes are as follows:
- Edited endpoints: Attributes are now written in the plural (more restful).
- Managing errors. All error codes can be found on REST API doc.
- Added endpoints : resolving robot IP, goto, record & replay
poppy-services. The first time you will execute the command
poppy-services --scratch poppy-[creature]
, you will be asked to install the files from scratch-poppy to control your robot with Scratch. -
unit tests. An unit test file has been added for the REST API
- The raspoppyfication script will install files from scratch-poppy.
- REST API doc.
- Scratch doc.
- Updated some screenshots and fixed a few broken links on various pages.