We’re working on a PoppyTorso with my partner, I’m trying to launch the simulation with Vrep but I met a problem to use Vrep :
I launch the software, thanks to the command
then I launch the simulation with :
poppy-services --snap --vrep poppy-torso
of PoppyTorso after having done closed up the pop up 3 times as explained on this website : Installation du simulateur CoppeliaSim · Documentation of the Poppy Platform
But I have the error following when I try to launch this simple code :
import pypot,time
from pypot.creatures import PoppyTorso
poppy = PoppyTorso(simulator=‘vrep’)
Could you help me ? Cause I we would like to test our code on Vrep to finally programme its kinematics to be able to move it by giving the position we want (x,y,z).
Else, it seems possible to remove motors from the configuration, I saw there :
It is possible to put them “broken” in the json file, is it the only way to connect the robot and ignaure these that are not plugged ? Cause we do not have all motors plugged. And where can I find this .json, when I take a look a the library, I’m king of lost with all these files…
(for information, I’m using Ubuntu)