I followed the installation instructions described here : https://docs.poppy-project.org/fr/installation/install-poppy-softwares.html
- I installed bonjour
- I installed anaconda for win 64 bits (PATH and default Python were checked)
- In the anaconda invite, I wrote: pip install poppy-ergo-jr
- I installed vrep pro v4.0.0
To test,
- I launch vrep
- I wrote poppy-services --snap --vrep --no-browser poppy-ergo-jr
I received the error message: No installed poppy creature were found!
you should first install the python package corresponding to your robot or check your python environment
Then I installed poppy humanoid with the command pip install poppy-humanoid.
To test, I wrote poppy-services --snap --vrep --no-browser poppy-humanoid and the robot was created and running in vrep! (after checking the box 3 times on the vrep sim)
I tried again poppy-services --snap --vrep --no-browser poppy-ergo-jr
I received the error: argument creature: invalid choice: ‘poppy-ergo-jr’ choose from ‘poppy-humanoid’).
The command pip search poppy sends the following results:
- poppy-creature 2.0.0 INSTALLED
- poppy-humanoid 2.0.1 INSTALLED
- poppy-ergo-jr 2.0.0 INSTALLED
If I open a juniper notebook and I type (https://github.com/poppy-project/community-notebooks/blob/master/tutorials-education/poppy-humanoid_poppy-torso__vrep_installation%20et%20prise%20en%20main/poppy%20simulé/Ergo_simulation%20prise%20en%20main.ipynb):
- from poppy_ergo_jr import PoppyErgoJr
- creature = PoppyErgoJr(simulator=‘vrep’)
I have the error: ImportError: No module named URDF_utils from from ikpy.URDF_utils import get_chain_from_joints in D:\software\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\pypot\creatures\ik.py in ()
If I type
- from poppy.creatures import PoppyHumanoid
- poppy = PoppyHumanoid(simulator=‘vrep’)
- poppy.head_z.goto_position(-45, 2)
the poppy humanoid robot moves its head.
Do you know why everything looks fine for poppy-humanoid but not for poppy-ergo-jr?
Thanks for your help