Poppy Creature ERROR

Hi everybody, I’m trying to create the Robot object with a real robot (Poppy Humanoid) in Jupyter

My code starts like:

from poppy_humanoid import PoppyHumanoid

then I wrote:

PoppyBoid = PoppyHumanoid()

and when I execute this line I have this message:

WARNING:pypot.dynamixel:Port:/dev/ttyACM1 ids found:[44, 51, 52, 53, 54]
WARNING:pypot.dynamixel:Port:/dev/ttyACM1 ids found:[]
WARNING:pypot.dynamixel:Port:/dev/ttyACM0 ids found:[]
WARNING:pypot.dynamixel:Port:/dev/ttyACM0 ids found:[]

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
----> 1 PoppyBoid = PoppyHumanoid()

/home/poppy/dev/poppy-creature/software/poppy/creatures/abstractcreature.pyc in new(cls, base_path, config, simulator, scene, host, port, id, use_snap, snap_host, snap_port, snap_quiet, use_http, http_host, http_port, http_quiet, use_remote, remote_host, remote_port, sync)
94 else:
—> 95 poppy_creature = from_json(config, sync)
96 poppy_creature.simulated = False

/home/poppy/dev/pypot/pypot/robot/config.pyc in from_json(json_file, sync, strict)
237 config = json.load(f)
–> 239 return from_config(config, sync=sync, strict=strict)

/home/poppy/dev/pypot/pypot/robot/config.pyc in from_config(config, strict, sync)
56 attached_ids = [m.id for m in attached_motors]
—> 57 dxl_io = dxl_io_from_confignode(config, c_params, attached_ids, strict)
59 check_motor_limits(config, dxl_io, motor_names)

/home/poppy/dev/pypot/pypot/robot/config.pyc in dxl_io_from_confignode(config, c_params, ids, strict)
133 if port == ‘auto’:
–> 134 port = pypot.dynamixel.find_port(ids, strict)
135 logger.info(‘Found port {} for ids {}’.format(port, ids))

/home/poppy/dev/pypot/pypot/dynamixel/init.pyc in find_port(ids, strict)
105 raise IndexError(‘No suitable port found for ids {}. These ids are missing {} !’.format(
–> 106 ids, list(set(ids) - set(ids_founds))))

IndexError: No suitable port found for ids [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 51, 52, 53, 54]. These ids are missing [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 31] !


I don’t understand where is my mistake, can anybody could help me please?

The origin of the problem seems to be a cable, probably with a bad contact. Now it is (mainly) solved !