Multi turn mode

I wanted to know if it is possible to configure a motor in multiturn mode in pypot. The solution is to set the registers fors angle limits at 4095 but I cannot do that in the json file.


You can do it using the low level of pypot (see set_wheel_mode) but not yet using the configuration file. I’ve opened an issue on the topic a long time ago but never really have time to work on it:

Now, the wheel mode is supported in the configuration file like that :
“m1”: {
“offset”: 0.0,
“type”: “XL-320”,
“id”: 1,
“wheel_mode”: True,
“orientation”: “direct”

I can do a small report about multi-turn mode.
We wanted to make a commanded winch (mini treuil in French).
We plugged a spool (bobine) to the motor. (a MX-12W)
I assigned the moteur min and max to 4095.
The multi turn offset to 0
The multi turn prescaler to 1
You can control the motor over 56 turns
I used humarobotics library to test quickly.

It is very interesting but the MX-12W is getting warm very quickly even without load (I think I know why this motor is not so much sold…)

Thanks, the warming problem is very common on all the dynamixel motors. Even the xl-320 or the mx get warm quickly if loaded. We need a professionnal servo which can be loaded and used continuosly to build better robots. if you are interested to make an association to build such a servo, I will be ready in few months.

Ok I am VERY interested to help you :slight_smile:


Is it possible at the moment to configure a motor in multiturn mode in pypot?


For the moment, it is not possible. Pypot is adapted to articulated joints.
I did use a low level dynamixel library for my project.

hey @Thot,

I give you a solution soon :wink:

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in your .json remove the limit angles and add the whell_mode, like this:

"m1": {
  "offset": 0.0,
  "type": "XL-320",
  "id": 1,
  "wheel_mode" : true,
  "orientation": "direct"

and use command line:

poppy-configure creature_name motor_name