I have been experimenting with pypot and XL320, only low-level IO so far. My motor is in wheel mode, I did not succeed to set it in joint mode.
Here is my test case:
import itertools
import pypot.dynamixel
ports = pypot.dynamixel.get_available_ports()
dxl_io = pypot.dynamixel.Dxl320IO(ports[0], baudrate=1000000)
ids = dxl_io.scan(range(10))
print(ids) # [2]
print(dxl_io.get_control_mode(ids)) # ('wheel',)
speed = dict(zip(ids, itertools.repeat(100)))
dxl_io.set_moving_speed(speed) # works
speed = dict(zip(ids, itertools.repeat(0)))
dxl_io.set_moving_speed(speed) # works
print(dxl_io.get_control_mode(ids)) # ('wheel',) -> fail
mode = dict(zip(ids, itertools.repeat('joint')))
print(dxl_io.get_control_mode(ids)) # ('wheel',) -> fail
pos = dict(zip(ids, itertools.repeat(100)))
dxl_io.set_goal_position(pos) # fail (logique)
### dummy to check connection
dxl_io.set_LED_color({2: 'red'}) # works
dxl_io.set_LED_color({2: 'off'}) # works
dxl_io.close() # works
@pierre any ideas?