Looking for a used Pixl Circuit Board

Hello Joel,

The main roles of this board is to:

  • convert the 3.3V logic coming from the Raspi to a 5V logic required for the motors. Search for “3.3v to 5v level shifter” in Alibaba and you will get an equivalent circuit. You can also make your own using a bunch of transistors and resistors. You can also use a separate FTDI device, such as the U2D2 or any 5v FTDI from Alibaba, but that would require to change the /dev/ttyAMA0 connection port in the software (you can expect something like /dev/ttyUSB0
  • provide power to the motor bus: you can use a lab PSU or any wall adapter that provides a stabilized 6 to 8.4v power, as specified in the docs.

Also the original Pixl board for the Ergo Jr is openhardware so if you (or a friend of you) have some proficiency in electronics you can have a look at the schematics to build the same board by yourselves. See GitHub - poppy-project/pixl: Raspberry Pi - XL-320 Board