till there I don’t see any feedback about attempts printing Poppy structure with FDM printers (RepRap & co).
I took a glance about printing pieces with my Prusa. This is really close to the limits of my bed size (200x200 mm) but I think it could work.
Will give feedback of my tries.
I’m also nearly finishing my DIY TK-0 ( = Lulzbot TAZ), with a 300x300 mm bed size. With this one I think there shouldn’t be any problem.
There is a short tutorial on the wiki about how to print a Poppy (the lower limbs) on a Replicator 2.
In fact we are currently trying to print a whole Poppy on a Replicator 2 according to this tuto.
We are finishing the print of the legs and the head. It seems to be ok for now, we will put our files on the repo, stay tuned.