I’m trying to develop a poppy initiative in the schools in my region.
Could anybody explain me how to start?
I understand that first of all it’s to build with a 3D printer the pieces (where the drawings are?) and then I have to buy the electronics (But Where?) and then I have to start building it (how?). And once I finish it, I have to code (how?)
As you see, I need a dummy guide that I couldn’t find. Is there any simple guide for dummies?
This appears to be a great initiative ! Can you tell us more?
The “dummy” guides which may be useful as a start are available right on the home page of Poppy Project,
under the “downloads” and “tutorial” sections.
Tell us if you do not find something.
For buying parts, we will very soon announce an official agreement with a robotic kit distributor where you will be able to order in a few clicks.
I agree with this. I’m looking to learn and get involved, but I’ve never used a 3D printer before. Anyone have a recommendation for beginners on tools(3D printer, parts, tools,etc…) and approx. how much money it costs to have everything built?
If you wait a few days, Génération Robots will resell a Poppy kit with all structural parts professionally 3D printed, all motors, screws, cables, electronic parts…
And for dummy guides, I am writing some that you can find here : https://github.com/HumaRobotics/poppy-examples There is an assembly guide and I’m working on a software guide. I would be glad to have some review by a beginner.
We are leading an initiative on behalf Barcelona City Council in order to study the viability of bringing Poppy to the schools of Barcelona in a first phase, Catalonia after on.
The initiative it’s into the umbrella of Barcelona Smart City project, Citizen participation program. So we want to help alumni to be creative, inventive and innovative and we think Poppy could be a funny way of teach them arduino, programming robotics, and help them to be a Do it Yourself people.
I’m creating a Barcelona community in order to create our first Poppy before summer. We have selected 5 schools and one Fablab. And the objective of this initial group it’s to create a educational guide to use in the schools next year. Of course, we’ll share it in this Forum for discussions.
So, @oudeyer, @Manon f somebody of you wants to be part of this initial group, and help us in our first Poppy in Barcelona will be welcome. Please contact me if you are interested.
@jorfigor I would be glad to follow your project and to help you on a technical point of view.
As you may know, I work at Génération Robots, official Poppy reseller, so I am very interested in knowing more about users needs and first experience with Poppy.
By the way, I just released my software guide, please give me any return so I can improve it.
This is a fantastic initiative. Poppy platform is built exactly for such initiatives.
I would be happy to follow your progress if you keep us updated on this forum, and in such a way me (and everyone else in the community could give feedback). Also, if you wish, you can use the forum as the place for organizing the discussions and activities around your project. We can create a tag (or maybe a category) specific to your initiative if needed. You can also use the language you wish (spanish or catalan) (Using tags for multilingual support on this forum)
In addition to the support kindly proposed by @Manon , you could also look at the InMediats project in France: this is a network of educational FabLabs in science museums who has began a national initiative around using the Poppy platform for activities very similar to what you plan. They already organised several workshops with their visitors, e.g. http://inmediats.fr/tag/poppy-2/ and on twitter #robotINM ). I can give you their contact if you are interested.
Also, there is already an experienced Poppy programmer in Barcelona: @Clement working at Univ Pompeu Fabra.