[CFC] hardware recommendations Poppy Humanoid

Hello everyone,

The first time I used Poppy, I had a lot of problems. I saw a lot of error messages, and 3 motors burnt after a few minutes of use (The poppy was not new).

So I spent a lot of time solving the problems instead of developing some (interesting) apps. it appears that the problems were mainly due to electrical/hardware problems.

Today, my Poppy is working well, and I guess (I’m pretty sure in fact) that I’m not the only one who had/has/will have this problem when starting with Poppy. So I decided to do a documentation with the bugs, their signification, and their solutions or recommendations.

But I know that it’s impossible to not miss anything, that’s why I’m calling for a contribution, so that if I have written something wrong or uncompleted, you can modify/rectify/add it. Moreover, this documentation is in French (for now). I have planned to translate it in English, but I have a few time to do it, so if some of you wants to help, you’re welcome ! =)

So this document is for beginners and for all users when they meets some problems with Poppy.

Here the french version is : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b7oiw4VMDG6FJNXyhEH_fIzTJmYSrs9m54VMgiMfFbg/edit?usp=sharing

I hope it will help you !


PS : I will put it in read only when it will be complete

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Great initiative @damiend ! As you said working with the humanoid can be somehow difficult at first. Then, you “learn” how to safely use it.

One question though, why not directly contributing to the main documentation? https://www.gitbook.com/book/poppy-project/poppy-docs We will gladly integrate your improvements!

Thanks @Pierre. I agree with you, but this learning way is quite expensive when the motors burn :confounded:.

I thought about integrating it in the official poppy documentation. But I did not do this for this reason : it is not finished, and there might be some mistakes. I do not want to put something uncomplete in the official documentation. I’m waiting for your feedbacks (you and some others) to confirm and complete the documentation. But when it will be finished, I/we could put it in the official documentation !

And by this way, even it is not complete, Poppy users can see this one by going on this page !