[CFC] Extending the poppy mini family: we need your help!

Help us extend and improve the poppy mini family!

Poppy mini creatures are built from XL320 motors from Robotis. Motors are linked together with parametrable frames designed with OpenScad. The resulting robots are controlled using the pypot library, typically running on a Raspberry Pi. These robots aim at being low cost and easy to modify.

Currently the poppy mini family includes:

We want to extend the number of poppy mini creatures available. You can help us by:

Your ideas will help the community by:

  • having more poppy mini creatures out there
  • creating a more complete library of parametrizable 3D parts
  • identifying your needs for the next developments of poppy

Before posting your ideas, please consider the following guidelines:

  • keep it simple and feasible
  • a drawing is worth a thousand words