Hi. I want to use Pypot for commanding my MX-64 motors (2 motors). I can set the port, but I can not get the motor IDs! I tried many of the baud rates, but it does not work. When I use R+ manager or DynamixelSDK, I can find the motor’s IDs. I should say that also, when I check the serial port using Herborist, this tool can not find the motors! Can anyone help me? What is the problem?
my code:
import pypot.dynamixel
ports = pypot.dynamixel.get_available_ports()
if not ports:
raise IOError('no port found!')
print('ports found', ports)
print('connecting on the first available port:', ports[0])
dx1_io = pypot.dynamixel.DxlIO(ports[0], 57600 )
Hi again!
I put your code on top of my script like below, but nothing happened!
the code:
import pypot.dynamixel
import logging
h = logging.StreamHandler()
l = logging.getLogger("pypot")
ports = pypot.dynamixel.get_available_ports()
if not ports:
raise IOError('no port found!')
print('ports found', ports)
print('connecting on the first available port:', ports[1])
dx1_io = pypot.dynamixel.DxlIO('COM3', baudrate=57600)
Thanks. The problem was with my protocol2 settings. I changed the protocol settings to 1. Can I change it back to 2 (because now R+ can not detect the motors)?