Pypot scan can't find motors but herborist does find motors

I’ve been going through the Poppy Ergo QuickStart tutorial and I’m having trouble communicating with the motors. I’m using windows 8. I have been able to find the motors using herborist and have given them IDs 1 through 6. The baud rates were already set to 1000000 and haven’t been changed. I can’t get the motors to move using herborist but everything else in herborist seems to work.

In pypot I have set the port and baud rate and used the command ‘print(dxl_io.scan())’ to scan for motors but no motors are found. I have used the usb2dynamixel and usb2ax which both allow me to find the motors using herborist but not using dxl_io.scan(). Does anyone have any suggestions?

I am now able to find the motors using scan. I had to add the use_sync_read=False to dxl_io like this:
dxl_io = pypot.dynamixel.Dxl320IO(port, baudrate, use_sync_read=False)
Which returns the IDs as expected.
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

But now when I run these commands:
import pypot.robot
ergo_robot = pypot.robot.from_config(my_config)

I get this error: DxlError: Could not find the motors (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) on bus COM5.

The configuration I’m using is modified from the ergo_robot_config. I changed the actuator IDs, the actuator types, and the port. I’m wondering if there is still a problem with sync_read athough it is set to false in the config. Any suggestions?

The ergo_robot_config which is in pypot documentation is for the ergo robot (with MX-28), not the ergojr. The poppy-ergojr creature use Dynamixel XL-320 motors which use the new Dynamixel protocol named “v2”.
You have to add "protocol": 2 in the config file as you can see here.

That worked, thank you!