Poppy with DYNAMIXEL AX-18A instead of MX-28

I’m trying to make a Poppy Humanoid with DYNAMIXEL AX-18A instead of MX-28 and I would like to ask if somebody did it already? I tried to just scale down the 3D models so that they could fit the smaller servo motors in, but this didn’t work quite right…

So any experience or advice??

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Checkout the Poppyrate project, which is a smaller version.
Changing the servomotors is not easy because it needs to redesign all 3D-printed parts.Also check ideas in this article.

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Thanks so much for your response! I worked on it since I wrote this topic on the forum and I suppose that I am getting pretty close to having redesigned parts with AX-18A servos, but it will take some more time to have a properly finished version. Right now I am printing the parts and testing them. I will post there a link to my GitHub repository as soon as I will have some parts printed and tested.


It looks like a great work!

I will post there a link to my GitHub repository as soon as I will have some parts printed and tested.

Yes, please do and quote my name when you do, I’ll advertise it on our social media.

Any news about your work, @Vistoun?