Hi everyone !
I’m developing an app in Generation Robots to save moves for each part of Poppy (head, spine, arms, legs), assemble them to create a move on the all Poppy body, create exercices and play them (play, pause, stop). Its name : Poppy Generation Robots Replayer.
The app works with a server (LAMP, WAMP…) and a user interface (web).
Why a new one to control motion ? Because there is not yet an app to save moves by manipulating only a part of Poppy, to assemble them, to do modifications, to create exercices (concatenation) and to play them, all by using a web user interface. And then, the app will be completed with other features to make it more ergonomic, and i.e. to make Poppy talk.
It will be useful for projects like making Poppy dancing or demonstrating movements (rehabilitation, sport coach…). Moreover, I find important to allow people to record moves part by part, because a person, alone, can’t easily manipulate all the body of Poppy. For all these reasons, I developed Poppy GRR.
You can find the app here. There is a documentation to explain how to install it and how to use it (in french). I will try to translate it in english asap.
Hope it will help or inspire you ! Don’t hesitate if you have some comments, I’m still developing it.
Generation Robots
[EDIT] For the French speaking people, there’s an article describing the app here !