Poppy Ergo JR Programs and Some Hardwares

to build Poppy Ergo Jr what programs should I download?

Do I need any special cables to program the robot? (Like USB2AX, USB2Dynamixel)

You need to build the hardware (motors, cable, RPI, communication board, 3D printed parts…) and you need to install the software.
What exactly do you want to know ?

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I want to learn programs’ name? And to communicate with computer do I need any cable? ethernet except

You can communicate with ethernet or wi-fi. with the robot. But I’m not sure to understand exactly what you want.
Do you want to communicate with the motors (xl-320) from your computer ?
Do you want to communicate with the Raspberry Pi from your computer ?

Will I need communicate with motors or Raspberry Pi?
I think we need to fix the robot on a plate. Right? How can I produce this plate? What material should I use?
And why we use ethernet cable?

Ok I can understand you are a newbie. [quote=“m.erdemozdemir, post:5, topic:3191”]
Will I need communicate with motors or Raspberry Pi?

It depends what YOU want.

First I strongly recommend you to read the doc. : https://docs.poppy-project.org/en/