I noticed that I have 3 motors on which temperature is raising to 50C in a minute when I start the poppy-service with a poppy-humanoid (I only start the service and do nothing) and I check the status which the status monitor.
Do you have any experience why motors/controllers are heating so quickly? it is a hardware issue?
On the capture, motors bust_x, bust_y and abs_y are really of concern to me.
This is the direct temperature measured into the robotis motors, we can’t optimise it directly.
The compliant mode, is an active compliance, the Robotis firmware compensate the gears friction to help the reverse rotation. So in compliant mode motors are powered and controled, that probably why they can heat even in compliant mode (the default mode).
To complete @Nicolas answer, there is two types of complicance modes. The “dummy” which is exactly the same as the dynamixel motors and the Poppy Humanoid, and the “safe” which block the motor when it exceed its software limit.
The safe compliance avoid for example doing loops with the shoulder. But there is some drawbacks : a motor can be blocked if it start just after the range limit, or it can make very small oscillation near the limit.
The second one is hard to avoid because it depends on your mechanical precision which should block the motor just before the software one.
Use the “dummy” compliance on the hottest motors (you can modify the poppy_humanoid.py file) and tell me if it change something.
Sorry I did not have time to check yet. I was planning to try over the week-end.
In the mean time, I found that a MX64 I have resists when you try to turn it by hand whereas others turn pretty easily. So i guess for that one, the controller must give move current to drive it…
Anyway, yes of course, I’ll update the post accordingly, sorry about the delay.
well maybe…but I suspect a HW issue also on the controller side… I’ll send it to robotis for check to make sure.
Anyway I rechecked everything and It is now much better… no over heating issue, and I also managed to adjust compliance to dummy but I did not have to anymore after dealing with that rebel motor…