Inverse kinematic with pen holder (Poppy Ergo Jr)


I start creating a WPF app that send coordenates to Poppy Ergo Jr through the Rest API.
I use this primitive MoveToPosition:

class MoveToPosition(pypot.primitive.Primitive):

	properties = + ['position_to_go']
	def __init__(self, robot, coord ='[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]' ):
			pypot.primitive.Primitive.__init__(self, robot)
			self._coord = coord
			self._robot = robot
	def start(self):

	def run(self):

			ergo = self._robot
			coord = str(self._coord)

			coord = coord[1:len(coord)-1]

			c = ','
			a = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(coord) if char == c]
			print a
			coord_x = coord[0:a[0]]
			coord_y = coord[a[0]+1:a[1]]
			coord_z = coord[a[1]+1:a[2]]

			time = coord[a[2]+1:len(coord)]

			print 'Coordonnées X : ' + coord_x
			print 'Coordonnées Y : ' + coord_y
			print 'Coordonnées Z : ' + coord_z

			print 'Durée (s) : ' + time 
			# Position(in meters)
			pos = 0.1*np.asarray([float(coord_x),float(coord_y),float(coord_z)])
			print pos

			#functiopn definition :goto(self, position, duration, wait=False, accurate=False)
			ergo.chain.goto(pos,float(time),True, True)

	def position_to_go(self):
			return self._coord
	def position_to_go(self, coord):
            print "Nouvelles coordonees : " + coord
            self._coord = coord

The end effector is the pen holder.

I want the pen to be allways perpendicular to the surface (m6 parallel to the surface).
How can I do this?

I guess what you want is to also control the orientation of the end effector. Unfortunately this has not yet been implemented in the ikpy library we are using. Feel free to push @phylliade to do it :smile:


Hello again,

I want to know where this library is used in Poppy ergo Jr src, and where I can change the code to add this constraint.


I look at your and the ikpy lib.
I am new at Python, but if I understand well, inverse_kinematic of the lib give you a matrice of posible combination of angles, you convert it and for each motors and angles you call goto_position.
But I don’t understand where and how you choose the combination youy will use.
I think it is in convert_from_ik_angles.

 def convert_from_ik_angles(self, joints):
            """ Convert from IKPY internal representation to poppy representation. """
            if len(joints) != len(self.motors) + 2:
                raise ValueError('Incompatible data, len(joints) should be {}!'.format(len(self.motors) + 2))

            joints = [rad2deg(j) for j in joints[1:-1]]
            joints *= self._reversed

            return [(j * (1 if else -1)) - m.offset
                    for j, m in zip(joints, self.motors)]

Actually IKpy gives you a single “optimised” solution, so on the pypot side we don’t have to choose. Note that in IKPy you can choose what optimisation technique will be used depending on what you want to do (e.g. a fast vs accurate method).

Unfortunately I’m not an expert in how IKpy works, maybe @phylliade (He’s the one behind this library) can give you more details.


I start looking at the IKpy lib.
It is the optimization method that choose angles to return.
In the of ikpy I try to make some changes to add constraints:

  • I change the optimization algo (from L-BFGS-B to SLSQP)
  • I add constraints

It work well for now

# coding= utf8
import scipy.optimize
import numpy as np
from . import logs

def inverse_kinematic_optimization(chain, target_frame, starting_nodes_angles, regularization_parameter=None, max_iter=None):
    """Computes the inverse kinematic on the specified target with an optimization method

    :param ikpy.chain.Chain chain: The chain used for the Inverse kinematics.
    :param numpy.array target: The desired target.
    :param numpy.array starting_nodes_angles: The initial pose of your chain.
    :param float regularization_parameter: The coefficient of the regularization.
    :param int max_iter: Maximum number of iterations for the optimisation algorithm.
    # Only get the position
    target = target_frame[:3, 3]

    if starting_nodes_angles is None:
        raise ValueError("starting_nodes_angles must be specified")

    # Compute squared distance to target
    def optimize_target(x):
        # y = np.append(starting_nodes_angles[:chain.first_active_joint], x)
        y = chain.active_to_full(x, starting_nodes_angles)
        squared_distance = np.linalg.norm(chain.forward_kinematics(y)[:3, -1] - target)
        return squared_distance

    # If a regularization is selected
    if regularization_parameter is not None:
        def optimize_total(x):
            regularization = np.linalg.norm(x - starting_nodes_angles[chain.first_active_joint:])
            return optimize_target(x) + regularization_parameter * regularization
        def optimize_total(x):
            return optimize_target(x)

    # Add Constraints
    cons = ({'type':'eq','fun': lambda x: x[1] + x[2] + x[4] + x[5]},
            {'type':'eq','fun': lambda x: x[3]})
    # Compute bounds
    real_bounds = [link.bounds for link in chain.links]
    # real_bounds = real_bounds[chain.first_active_joint:]
    real_bounds = chain.active_from_full(real_bounds)

    options = {}
    # Manage iterations maximum
    if max_iter is not None:
        options["maxiter"] = max_iter

    # Utilisation d'une optimisation SLSQP_**
    res = scipy.optimize.minimize(optimize_total, chain.active_from_full(starting_nodes_angles), method='SLSQP', bounds=real_bounds, options=options, constraints=cons)
    # Utilisation d'une optimisation L-BFGS-B
    # res = scipy.optimize.minimize(optimize_total, chain.active_from_full(starting_nodes_angles), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=real_bounds, options=options)"Inverse kinematic optimisation OK, done in {} iterations".format(res.nit))

    return(chain.active_to_full(res.x, starting_nodes_angles))
    # return(np.append(starting_nodes_angles[:chain.first_active_joint], res.x))

Cool! It seems that you know more about IKpy than me now :blush:

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