Active_links_mask with goto in primitive


I make a primitive that use the method goto:

import time
import sys
import os
import pypot.primitive
from random import randint
import math
import numpy as np

class MoveToPosition(pypot.primitive.Primitive):

    properties = + ['position_to_go']

    def __init__(self, robot, coord='[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]'):

        pypot.primitive.Primitive.__init__(self, robot)
        self._coord = coord
        self._robot = robot

    def start(self):

    def run(self):

        ergo = self._robot
        coord = str(self._coord)

        coord = coord[1:len(coord) - 1]

        c = ','
        a = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(coord) if char == c]
        print a
        coord_x = coord[0:a[0]]
        coord_y = coord[a[0] + 1:a[1]]
        coord_z = coord[a[1] + 1:a[2]]

        time = coord[a[2] + 1:len(coord)]

        print 'Coordonnées X : ' + coord_x
        print 'Coordonnées Y : ' + coord_y
        print 'Coordonnées Z : ' + coord_z

        print 'Durée (s) : ' + time

        # Position(in meters)
        pos = 0.1 * \
            np.asarray([float(coord_x), float(coord_y), float(coord_z)])
        print pos
        # set actived mask (m4 to False)
        robot.chain.active_links_mask = array(
            [False, True, True, True, False, True, True, False], dtype=bool)
        # function definition :goto(self, position, duration, wait=False,
        # accurate=False)
        ergo.chain.goto(pos, float(time), True, True)

    def position_to_go(self):
        return self._coord

    def position_to_go(self, coord):
        print "Nouvelles coordonees : " + coord
        self._coord = coord

I don’t want the motor m4 to move, so I set the active_links_mask:

			#set actived mask (m4 to False)
			robot.chain.active_links_mask = array([False,  True,  True,  True,  False,  True,  True, False], dtype=bool)

But now, when I call the primitive with start, it do nothing and loop.