While we have now a solution to easily produce board, I suggest to fork the manga-screen project to make it more suitable for integration in Poppy’s head.
I suggest several changes (by order of priorities):
1- Change the HDMI port
Replace the HDMI port by a mini or micro-HDMI one and change its emplacement. With the current one, the connection with the odroid board will be really difficult.
2- Add a connector for 5V power supply
The current alimentation is done by the USB port.
3- Change the shape of the board and fixation holes
It is big and has a lot of useless room, a smaller board would be easier to integrate.
4- Replace the Atmega32U4 by Atmega16U4
It appears more and more difficult to obtain Atmega32U4 chip, I wonder if they are still produced ? As we do for USB2AX integration on the I/O board, we will have to replace them by Atmega16U4.
I contacted Elias Bakken and it appears possible:
I think the amount of flash used is about 51% so with few changes the firmware should fit. You can remove some of the touch code if you are not using that.
5- Add Poppy audio electronics
We could use the free room on the manga-board to add some electronic components which should be integrated in Poppy’s head.
I particularly think about microphone and speaker. The manga-board is ideally placed to embed stereo microphones (the flower holes on the side of the head are the Poppy’s ears). Also there is enough room to add a small speaker or at least connection with a larger one.
Maybe it is possible to add the electronic embedded in such usb sound card as suggested by @aurelien here ? And then connect it to the I/O board usb hub with small connectors ?