Je suis enseignant en première sti2d et je souhaite me lancer dans la fabrication d’un poppy en commencant par un bras et une jambe. Mon soucis est le prix de la motorisation. Peux-t-on envisager d’autres moteurs moins couteux et si oui lesquels? En vous remerciant pour vos réponses.
Ici il y a quelques alternatives
Mais ce ne sera pas direct de remplacer les Robotis par d’autres car ils n’ont pas forcement les mêmes dimensions.
Après, là vous parlez de Poppy en version Humanoid mais vous pouvez utiliser d’autres créatures conçues avec des moteurs moins couteux:
Here a concept of poppy. I created a quadruped and I put the body of Poppy without his legs. Why? Because with an quadruped it is easier to walk than a biped and with an hexapod it is simply to overcome the obstacles (rock, stair, grass…). It is possible to put the battery in body’s quadruped. There are 3 dof by leg with AX18
For the moment it is just a concept, I will try to improve the quadruped during the next weeks.
A wild PoppyErgoJr has appeared!
It is still work in progress, but we already have a working prototype of this new Poppy Creature. It is based on the really low-cost dynamixel XL-320 motors . Those motors are now supported in pypot since version 2.2!
Thanks to @jgrizou , all the 3d printed parts were done using OpenSCAD and can thus be easily modified, hacked, tuned!
The hardware and software are already available on the github repository . It still needs some work but we are really exc…