Additional documentation needed in API


As i attempt to debug my system, I’m having a hard time finding the info I need. For example, using the controller and setting the move speed of my AX-12A, I am unsure of what min and max values could be. The actual register max is 1023, but based on some of your dynamixel code is is speaking real units of deg/s? The forum post below says to refer to the conversion code, but the comments there show a velocity of 354deg/s. However, the max of the servo itself is 114rpm which is 684deg/s. This agrees with the value that is set inside of the conversion code if a number greater than 684 is passed.

Also, does talking to the servos using the controller/motor class even use this low level dynamixel API?

This post mentions the same issues three years ago. I am happy to help if possible. If someone can give me the answers i can help update the website documentation.