Rapberry Pi, Pixl board and I2C

Hello robot enthusiasts!

I have a question…

I was wondering if we can plug other I2C hardware stuff along with the Pixl board on the Raspberry Pi. I would like to plug a small OLED display, which is I2C and maybe other sensors…

From what I can see of the pictures, the I2C connectors seem to be taken by the PIXL board…

Is there a way to achieve what I want?


@Theo said:

The Pixl does not use I2C ports, only serial ports. This is not very practical but you can come weld a header over the pixl to connect your other devices


In case firstly you should check the pi update to the latest Raspbian as Your Pi will need to be running the latest version of Raspbian and after that check, whether 12C module is loaded correctly or not. For more information, please check our Facebook page and related updates.

Good idea, i would be ready.