Poppy // Wifi version // Change the sounds when starting the robot

Dear all,

Here is a trick that @Steve gave me to change the sounds of poppy when it starts, when the wifi is on, when the programs are loaded, etc.

  • To change the sounds when Poppy starts

A script called startup_script.sh is executed when you power on the robot.

sudo vi /etc/Poppy/startup_script.sh

In this file, you will find all the different command to launch YOUR own sounds. Comment/uncomment the specific lines.
  • To change the sounds once poppy has started:

All the sounds can be retreive under the folder Sounds/poppy/_/…/voc/
There are 100 sound files that are randomly played by the script play_rand_babbling.py

sudo vi  /home/.../.../dev/poppy-software/demo/webdemo/play_rand_babbling.py

In this file, you will find all the different command to launch YOUR own sounds. Comment/uncomment the specific lines, it's very easy!
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