Looking for a new wifi dongle

We are looking for a (small) wifi dongle for Poppy in order to make an Access Point Wifi network under linux.
For now we use the D-Link dwa121 wifi dongle:
This dongle seems to use the rtl8192cu kernel driver and works with hostapd using the nl80211 driver.
The problem is that the this dongle seems quite cheap, we have a lot of communication problems, connection lost etc, so we would like to find a better one.
The constraints being that is must be supported by linux AND to allow for the Access Point mode (through hostapd for example).
Any idea?

I use http://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B003MTTJOY?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage on a BeagleBone Black with Archlinux … it works perfectly.


Ok thanks, it looks fine. But did you try to configure it as an Access Point with hostapd?

no, just use it for remote control/admin

Your trouble just appear with http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Documentation/hostapd that sort of use?

Or do you have wifi trouble in general with your dongle?

Here is the version of hostapd for this dongle https://github.com/XiaoxiaoPu/hostapd-8192cu

Ok it looks good, we will have a try.

We tested a Edimax EW-7711U WiFi dongle (you can get it on eBay) at Paris Le Web conference. I bought it a few years ago for its good sensitivity, it gives me a larger choice of WiFi APs to hook on when I am on trip.

This dongle seems to make pretty well with Poppy, working out of the box and providing a strong signal. Unfortunately we couldn’t make some long run tests because two security english speaking guys came to us with a flashy yellow RF sensor demanding that we do not use a WiFi access point in the 2.4 GHz range. So we preferred connecting the “Poppy speaker” via Ethernet and made the “demo Poppy” working with the usual little dongle. The poor connection quality & reliability was a bit troublesome but we didn’t see the CIA guys again ;- )

ED-W7711U drawbacks: - big antenna (although one could embed it in Poppy’s head), - not 5GHz range compliant.