Is there a software to generate Primitives

hi everybody,

I wonder if there is a software (with gui) to generate primitives for poppy creatures that use pypot?
Not only a move recorder/player but a software that permits to create some kind of choregraphy by inserting/removing key poses (that could be directly read from the servos) and that interpolate between key poses.


It would be indeed very useful but to my knowledge there is no such software. Maybe some people in the community are working on this… @EtienneB, @chbrun ?

FIRE purpose is to make pose to pose programmation also. But it is not yet ready :wink:

I think the Snap! visual programming library for Poppy robots made by @Theo and @Pierre can be seen as implementing what you ask, with interesting functionalities to nest primitives concurrently or sequentially.

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@Thot i will have a look at FIRE.


@oudeyer I will test the snap! poppy’s library to see if it fit my needs

I did a small tuto on how to start with snap here :
It may be slightly outdated, let me know if you have any problem

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