Review of small humanoid robots

Do someone know the Kondo KHR-3HV robot ? Or just the motors : KRS-2552RHV ?

I would like to have information about what informations the motors can display and maybe test it.

Informations here :

I think it is the robot used for these famous robotic video:

About the servo, not much information available. They can be daisy chained and controlled using a protocol much like the dynamixel. Thay are also kind of expensive:
But I don’t think we can get the position value back, probably because it remains a standard servo and does not seems to be backdrivable or compliant, thus a position feedback is not that useful. But the sevos seem to have a temperature feedback, position and speed limits, and a wheel mode.

I found a few links that gives some information about the motors:

In this document we learn that we can play with the following parameters:

Baudrate β€” Sets the baudrate between servo motor and board. (Initial value: 115.2 kbps) * When using ICS-USB adapter, do not change from 115.2 kbps.
Option Flags (Modes) β€” Select use of reverse, dedicated serial, slave, and rotate mode. Stretch β€” Changes retention characteristics of the servo motor.
Speed β€” Sets the maximum rotation speed of the servo motor.
Punch β€” Sets the torque offset when servo motor is in operation.
Dead Band β€” Sets neutral band (dead-band) of servo motor.
Response β€” Sets the rising characteristics when servo motor is operated.
Dumping β€” Sets the outage property of the servo motor.
Protection β€” Sets time until protection start-up when output shaft locks.
Limiter β€” Specifies maximum operating angle of the servo motor.
Temperature Limit β€” Sets the operating point for protective functions in case of temperature
Current Limit β€” Sets the operating point for protective functions in case of current overload. User Offset β€” Sets optional position offset for user.
Version β€” Displays firmware version.

There also seems to have a wheel mode:

Rotation β€” Set the servo axis to rotate like a wheel. (Initial: OFF)

Also I am really impressed by their assembly instruction, very descriptive!

Less expensive on a japenese site.

One more links with informations :

Library to control the motor :

Seems to be useable in Python.

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Alpha 2, small humanoid

The design is clearly inspired by the Nao.

As always, the video is lying on all possible abilities this robot may have. But let’s see it as a 20dof robot for 700$, with the following characteristics:
