Questions about requesting my Ergo Jr through the REST API

Hi once again

So this time I’ve got the solution and it will conclude this post (or I hope so).

Requesting the rest api was based on this documentation but it was not enough, especially about the type of data for post request to set register.

To conclude what’s happened:

  • For the compliant state posted data: I have replaced the data type from a boolean value to an integer set to 0/1,
  • For all posted numerical values (speed, position), I type have been changed from float to integer.

All is ok and all dysfunctionement disapears (that will do pig…)

Note the rest api exposed on 8080 does not warn/raise any error whatever the kind of value send.

To ensure all is ok this time , I have switched to the api exposed by snap on port 6969 and perform the same operations using url described here

=> all is ok.
