Poppy-services: increase the temperature of the (raspberry-pi) cpu


I want to report a problem.

When we use the Poppy’s image file for the raspberry pi, we can see when he run a lot of “poppy-services” which take about 70% of cpu and increase the temperature of the cpu to about 72 degrees.

If we kill all the “poppy-services” the temperature and the cpu usage fall down, but when we run again another poppy instances all of the “poppy-services” come again.


That’s odd. You should always have a single instance of poppy-services running at a time. Otherwise it means something bad happened :wink:

How did you install everything on your card? Did you use the latest image ? https://github.com/poppy-project/poppy-ergo-jr/releases

How do you run poppy-services? Did you use the web interface?