On the 10th and 11th of march, follow us on twitch, the poppy team will stream a training course that will be provided to the Inmediats Fablab network.
You can follow us in “direct” at : Twitch
The video streaming starts at 9H15.
ok. where should I tell you if there’s a problem? here or twwitch chat?
just lemme know
(just said on the chat, maybe you need an ext mic so we can hear ppl talking, again just saying cause i don’t kow how ths thing work)
(and btw I still don’t hear a thing do you have a mic on your laptop?)
Je pense qu’il faut que le PC qui stream ai un micro interne ou externe.
Pour le moment je suis un peu grâce aux slide mais après ça risque d’être compliqué.
Si vous parlez pres du PC qui stream ca change qqchose?