Issues in the control of an poppy arm

Hello, to control my poppy arm i use the command describes in : Erreur lors de l'instanciation d'une configuration partielle de Poppy : "Head"
But python send me this error:

here is my full code:

Then I read the tutorial on:

And use the autodection mode, but it returns me :

Do you know what’s the source of these problems?
P.S. I have the USB2AX

It is a problem of permisson to access usb devices on linux.

You should add yourself to the dialout group:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout user with user being your username

Thanks for this answer but even if I enter this command in my terminal before switching in python I stil have the same error.

On my Ubuntu based distribution, it is the uucp group which own the serial port.

sudo usermod -aG uucp $USER

Anyway, if you execute your python with sudo, it will works

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Thanks, it solves this issue.
But then python is raising this type of issue:

Do you understand the reason ?

Did you check this post:

Are the motors powered properly? + there is some simple code to scan motors, checking the basics work

This one might help too:

I checked this two links:
When I try to recognize my motors with herborist, and I have that issue:

On one link I find a solution for a common problem but it send me this issue:

I think that it’s a communication issue between my computer and the motors but I can’t understand why

Do you have some ideas ?

Strange. Are you using a virtual machine ?

No I’m in dual boot, I started on a virtual machine but I turned on a dual few days later. I have an Ubuntu 14.04.

Can you give us more background information about your setup.

For example:

dxl_io = pypot.dynamixel.DxlIO('/dev/ttyACM0')
ids = dxl_io.scan(range(60))
print dxl_io.get_goal_position_speed_load(ids)

replace ‘/dev/ttyACM0’ with your port.

I use 4 MX28, the same used in an entire poppy, and an additive AX12 to animate our hand.
The wiring seems correct : the charger, the USB2AX and the first motor of the arm are both plugged on the SMPS2Dynamixel.
Maybe by issue come to the definition of a communication port, if I understand well I have to define a port like that:
import pypot.dynamixel

ports = pypot.dynamixel.get_available_ports()

if not ports:
raise IOError(‘no port found!’)

print(‘ports found’, ports)

print(‘connecting on the first available port:’, ports[0])
dxl_io = pypot.dynamixel.DxlIO(ports[0])
And then executate : dxl_io = pypot.dynamixel.DxlIO(port, baudrate=57600) before scanning with Herborist ?

Sorry but I’m just a complete beginner in informatic.

Did you configure your motor correctly? I mean do they have all their own id and set to the 1M baud rate?

Thanks for these answers
Indeed I forgot to change the id of my motor before assembly all the arm.
So I’ll do that and test after if my arm works.