Category | Topics |
AnnouncementsStaff announcements about the Poppy project and this forum organization. You should read it. Really.
EducationUtilisez-vous les robots comme moyen d'enseignement ? C'est l'endroit idéal pour partager votre expérience, réfléchir sur de nouvelles idées et demander des conseils. This section is mainly in French because the majority of contributors are francophone teachers but you can write in english.
ArtHave you used the Poppy project for artistic purpose? This is the place to show your creations to other people!
ScienceShare your science: from news to specific research questions. The Poppy project wish for a more open and collaborative science.
TechnologyAnything about technical matters! Electronics, mechanics, programming... you will be surprised by the expertise and dedication of the Poppy project community.
SupportAnything related to issues with the installation or the usage of Poppy robots.
Community projectsShare your project and discover other great projects by members of the community.
EventsIt is happening with the Poppy project! Share events and look for opportunities.
PrivateThis category is here to host private sections. Create a group of user and add a subsection for your "institution", you will be free to use it as a personal space.