How to add a sensor in pypot

Is there a documentation about what is the good way to add a sensor in pypot ?

I guess you need to add it in the configuration file :

“sensors”: {
“camera”: {
“type”: “OpenCVCamera”,
“index”: -1,
“fps”: 20.0,
“resolution”: [640, 480]

And create the class for your sensor, in the sensor folder :

class my_sensor(Sensor):
registers = Sensor.registers + [‘frame’, ‘resolution’, ‘fps’]

def __init__(self, name, resolution, fps):
    Sensor.__init__(self, name)

But how to define the frequency of the sync loop for your sensor ?
So, existing documentation ?

EDIT : if there is no doc. I think I’ll make a simple notebook to describe how to add a sensor. Let’s read the pypot source code :wink: